Teeth Whitening

Get the Whiter Teeth and Healthier Smile You′ve Been Wanting

One of the simplest, quickest and most effective ways to improve the appearance of your smile is with teeth whitening treatment. In fact teeth whitening can do far more than revitalise your smile – it can revitalise your self-image, your mannerisms and the impression that you make on others.

Our Teeth Whitening treatment provides immediate results and requires just an hour of your time. At the conclusion of this treatment, which is pain-free, fast and effective, your teeth will be up to eight shades whiter. Degree of lightness will vary from patient to patient. Some patients may need to repeat the procedure periodically to top up the effect.


If there are any other dental problems they can affect the success of tooth whitening, for example, cavities need to be treated before teeth are whitened. That's because the whitening solution can pass through decayed areas and reach the inner parts of the tooth. If your gums have receded, the exposed roots of your teeth may appear yellow or discolored. Whitening products will not make them whiter.

If you have tooth decay or receding gums, whitening may make your teeth sensitive. Whitening also does not work on ceramic or porcelain crowns or veneers.

Teeth whitening trays and gels:

JR Dental Practice can provide you with teeth-whitening trays and gels that can be worn at home. These can be very effective, but results take longer to achieve than getting treatment done at our practice. We will take an impression of your teeth and give this to a dental technician, who will build a tray to the exact measurements of your mouth. We will check that the tray fits and demonstrate how to carry out the procedure at home.

The tray fits closely around the teeth, and is filled with a whitening gel. Depending on the strength of peroxide in the gel, these trays are usually worn for a couple of hours a day or overnight. Treatment can take anywhere from three days to a couple of weeks.

In market over-the-counter whitening kits are available, although we do not recommend using them as they use a generic sized tray, which could allow the bleaching agent to come into contact with your gums, causing irritation or any other side effects. Not only they are not made to fit your mouth exactly, it may also be the case that bleaching isn't suitable for you, especially if you have gum disease or crowns. Proceeding with the treatment in these circumstances could be harmful.

  • Why are my teeth discoloured?
  • Can I have my teeth whitened if I have cavities or gum problems?
  • How long will my teeth stay white?
  • Is teeth whitening painful?
  • How does it work?
  • Is it safe and will it hurt?
  • How white will my teeth become?
  • How long does it last?
  • Is this procedure for everyone?
  • Can a single dark tooth be whitened?
  • Is there anything else I should know?
  • What if I have white fillings on teeth?
  • What do I do if I have any sensitivity?
  • What about whitening toothpastes?
Teeth lose their natural colour for many reasons, but the main causes of teeth looking yellow are food and drink, oral hygiene and age. Drinks such as tea, coffee and red wine, and certain fruits such as blueberries stain teeth quite badly. Smoking is another common culprit.
Before treatment you will always be seen by one of our dentists to make sure that having your teeth whitened is right for you. It is not a good idea to have your teeth whitened without treating existing dental problems because the whitening agent can aggravate any cavity or gum problems.

The treatment has a long term impact on lightening the colour of your teeth but they will not be immune to the same disclouring as they previously suffered. Stains build up on your teeth from everyday living.

Tea, coffee, red wine, tobacco and spicy foods can all dull your teeth's natural colour. To maintain the impact of the treatment it is advisable to brush your teeth more frequently.

It should be a painless process. However it has been known to cause teeth and gum sensitivity in some patients.
Dentist at JR Dental Practice will first examine your teeth and gums for good oral health. Then we will discuss the best ways to achieve the results in the timeframe that you want. Depending on the type of system you decide upon we then schedule to provide you with all the information and timetable for treatment.

As long as you have healthy teeth and gums it is perfectly safe. The primary ingredient in all gels is hydrogen peroxide, which has been safely used in teeth whitening for over 30 years and is recognised as an effective whitening product by the dental community.

Some people may find that their teeth become sensitive to cold during or after the treatment. Others may have discomfort in the gums, a sore throat or white patches on the gum line. These symptoms are usually temporary and should disappear within a few days of the treatment finishing. It is best to avoid very hot or very cold drinks for the first 24 hours if there is any tooth sensitivity.

If any of these side effects continue you should contact us.

In clinical studies results will vary as your starting point may be different and everyone's teeth respond a little differently, but in virtually all cases, the results are dramatic. Ultimately, the goal will be to achieve your optimum, natural whiteness. During the consultation, our dentist will personally analyse your teeth and provide you with a customised recommendation. Even severe discoloration can be treated to yield great results. However, the more difficult cases can sometimes require a more lengthy treatment than our standard 20 minute treatment.

The long-term results depend on the individual. Certain habits, such as the use of tobacco products, smoking, drinking a lot of coffee, tea, dark soft drinks, and infrequent visits to the dentist for regular cleanings, can work against the results. Regular professional care and maintaining oral hygine with good diet witness long term results. Some people prefer to repeat whitening treatment more frequently but we will advise you on the best way to optimise long term results.

You must not smoke during the whitening process. It is best to try to quit before you start to whiten your teeth.

Virtually anyone wanting to whiten his or her teeth can benefit from this treatment, including people with severe food, coffee, tobacco or tetracycline stains. Young adults from 16 years of age and older are good candidates for the procedure, especially for those that have heavy staining after orthodontic treatment is complete and their appliances are removed. We recommend that you not do this process while nursing or pregnant, receiving orthodontic treatment, or have extensive dental work, such as veneers or crown/bridges. These factors will be reviewed by our dentist at your initial consultation. The most ideal situation for Teeth Whitening is where there is not much wrong with your teeth except for the colour.

If you have old fillings, crowns or dental veneers, these will not change colour but can easily be replaced to match your whitened teeth and create a fantastic smile transformation. Our dentist will carry out a full oral assessment before helping you decide on the final options.

This depends upon the cause of the dark colour, which can include a dead nerve, discoloured fillings, veneers or crowns. Our dentist will determine the cause and advise you of the correct treatment.
Some patients may experience sensitivity from hot and cold drinks after treatment. If you are considering Teeth Whitening, please ask our dentist for further information about risks, benefits and suitability.
If you have white fillings in the front teeth that match the existing shade of your teeth before treatment, they may not match the teeth afterwards. This is because the technique lightens the teeth but cannot lighten fillings. When the desired colour has been reached, our dentist can replace these fillings with a lighter shade of filling material to match the new shade of your teeth at an additional cost.
Sensitivity of the teeth is the most common side effect of home whitening. This usually occurs around the neck of the teeth where the gums have receded. If you experience any sensitivity you should stop whitening for a few days, and then resume the treatment. If you are concerned, please contact our dentist.
There are several whitening toothpastes on the market. Although they do not affect the natural colour of your teeth, they may be effective at removing staining. Therefore, they may improve the overall appearance of your teeth. Whitening toothpastes may also help the effect to last, once your teeth have been professionally whitened.

If you have any specific question Smile please fill our Online Contact Form or call us on 01732461616.

Don′t shy away from your smile any longer – take action and restore your smile′s youthful luster. To arrange a consultation regarding our teeth whitening options, contact JR Dental Practice today. Our team can help you realise your dream of having a beautiful, bright white smile.